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Welcome to The Coffee Shop—a Slack community for brand marketers hosted by Aspire. Have any questions? Email [email protected]

📍 **Click here to Join us on Slack! 📍**

If you haven't applied yet, please submit an application here first. Once reviewed and approved, you'll be admitted to our Slack group 🙂

Do you know someone who might benefit from/contribute to our community? Invite them to apply here!

Navigating The Coffee Shop Community

‼️ Community Guidelines ‼️

This is a place for all of us to connect, share resources, and learn from one another. We strive to maintain a friendly, informative, and professional environment, so we’ve put a few simple but important guidelines into place to ensure the safety of all community members:

⭐️ Treat others with respect. Speak to other members the way you'd like them to speak to you and help us make this community as inclusive and welcoming as possible. ⭐️ Ask for help. Facing a specific challenge or just looking for inspiration? That’s what we’re all here for! Post in #general to ask the community. ⭐️ Be supportive and helpful in return. Answer questions, engage in conversation, be helpful to other members, and show your appreciation when they help you. This is your community—we urge you to take full advantage of it! ⭐️ No sales or solicitation allowed. Please do not use the group to advertise or solicit sales. This includes public channels as well as direct messages. ⭐️ Please introduce yourself! Set your display name to First Name Last Name (Company Name). For example Ryan Gutierrez (Aspire), add your headshot, and say hi in #introductions. (Welcome others as they enter!)

We reserve the right to ban any members who have repeatedly made posts or comments that we deem offensive, rude, or go against these guidelines. Our admins also reserve the right to delete posts that contain: 🚫 rude or offensive comments 🚫 nudity or graphic content 🚫 overt solicitation or anything that could be described as “spammy” If you see a post that violates any of our guidelines, please report it to an admin.

Last but not least, you may be wondering what kinds of conversations will we be having here...Well, we’re here to talk about ALL THINGS MARKETING. Including (but certainly not limited to):

Top 5 Ways to Get Active, Invest, and Engage to REAP the benefits of Coffee Shop membership: 1. Action - Introduce yourself *Those that share emoji joy upon entrance / reach out directly and begin your networking journey 2. Action - Check out the #announcements channel - Find questions that pique your interest - Reach out directly to the poster / commenter to begin your 1 : 1 connection 3. Action - Take a risk and comment on your first post! 4. Action - Raise your hand and ask your first question! If you do not see a response 5. Action - DM the community manager (Ryan) and ask to be connected directly with those from your industry / influencer marketing journey / Job search network / Influencer Marketing Solution

We polled current Coffee Shop Champions to share their secrets maximizing the Coffee Shop intelligence! THIS IS WHAT THEY SAID: I want a successful experience in the Coffee Shop, one in which I experience success scaling my network and brand, One should...

  1. Reach out and have a conversation
  2. Anchor ally ship in genuine support
  3. Recognize the access to resources and opportunities by taking a risks and being vulnerable with your support needs and challenges
  4. Respect the expertise and resources (Challenge the idea and not the person)
  5. Open-mindedness opens doors for you
  6. Create access to your knowledge for members by engaging frequently with posts
  7. Advocate for members through brand partnerships and collaborations
  8. Separate “events” from “experiences”
  9. Become a change agent in member journeys

We can't wait to get to know you!! 🙂

Community Members

Who are we?

We are a community of inclusive, open-minded, and growth-seeking individuals who aim to help one another by exchanging knowledge on topics in marketing such as influencer marketing, ambassador & affiliate programs, community building, brand strategy, and more!

Beyond our roles in marketing, we are empathetic beings who humanize our work by being sensitive and aware of ourselves, the brands and audiences we serve, and the greater cultural climate.

1500+ Marketers and 1000+ Brands

Who's in The Coffee Shop? (Our Brands)

under construction ^ will be updated shortly


[Industry Report] The State of Influencer Marketing 2022

[Courses] Aspire's Ambassador Academy

[Courses] Aspire's Influencer Academy

Useful News, Blogs, and Resources

Beginner's Guide to Influencer Marketing ROI

What's brewing? ☕️

✅ Action Items

Take action, and be a part of the community!



🔥 Hot Topics

Click on the links to see discussions on Slack


💬 - contribute to community discussion

❓ - offer your suggestions/advice

📊 - participate in a poll

📚 - stay up to date on resources

🌱 - find ways to take care of yourself


⏳ Past Happenings

Catch up on what's happened

Community Calendar